Poliamidă : Polyamide adhesive C1404
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Polyamide adhesive C1404

Beneficii și caracteristici

For use in the roof tile industry as spacer or scratch protection for clay roof tile surfaces that are glazed or varnished

  • Scratch protection
  • Short setting time
  • High blocking resistance

Date tehnice

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Note: Slight colour variations may occur with adhesives, depending on the raw materials and processes used.    

Brittle-rigid adhesive with short open time and very good flow properties.

The adhesive is applied to the underside of the roof tile. The adhesive provides reliable protection against scratching during storage and transport, even in summer. There is no transfer of adhesive or shadow formation on the upper side of the roof tile.

Type Basis Delivery form Appropriate application techniques
C41404 Polyamide Granules Pneumatic glue guns,
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