Poliamidă : Polyamide adhesive C2417
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Polyamide adhesive C2417

Beneficii și caracteristici

Very suitable for core bonding in the foundry industry and is also used in wood processing. It has a high initial strength.

  • For cores manufactured using the Cold-Box / Hot-Box process.
  • Especially for iron foundries
  • For core packages to be coated (aqueous)
  • Short open and setting times

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Note: Slight colour variations may occur with adhesives, depending on the raw materials and processes used.    

Tough, hard hot-melt adhesive with short open and setting times and very good flow properties. Excellent adhesion to cores/core packages in the foundry industry, as well as to wood.


Type Basis Delivery form Appropriate application techniques
C42417 Polyamide Granulales Pneumatic glue guns,

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