Capete de aplicare Hotmelt compatibile : B301-F-TL Spray application head
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B301-F-TL Spray application head

Głowica spray B301-F-TL

Beneficii și caracteristici

The B301-F-TL application head has two heating cartridges that guarantee rapid heat-up. The spray application width is 10 – 40 mm.

  • Compatible with Nordson and Robatech
  • For spray application
  • With integrated filter

Date tehnice

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Moc grzewcza 360 W
Zakres temperatur 200 °C
maks. ciśnienie 100 bar
Wymiary 44 x 200 x 113 mm
Gwint UNF 1/2

Domenii de aplicare

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Due to its good price-performance ratio, the B301-F-TL spray application head is the standard head for spray application in the one4all area.

Two 80 W heating cartridges are inserted into the application head, which enable rapid heat-up to operating temperature.

The ready-to-use application head must be firmly installed on the head bracket. Any holding rod must have, for example, the same diameter as the clamping hole in the bracket (Ø 12 mm).  

The hot-melt adhesives are heated in the melter and conveyed to the application head by means of a heated hose.  The application head contains the B200 module (compatible with Nordson H200) and a T-piece for connecting the spray air.

The spray pattern can be individually adjusted by turning the screw on the spray air throttle valve.  

The solenoid valve and matching nozzle are available separately.

Can be ordered in different versions compatible with Nordson or Robatech. 

Article number Description Sensor Compatible with
NKT0355 Spray application head B301-F-TL Ni120 Nordson
RKT0391 Spray application head B301-F-TL-RB NTC Robatech
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